vlog News
Free talks on ‘George Washington,’ ‘Immortality’ at JCDO
Jan 11, 2023
Star Parties are held each Saturday night, except holidays and adverse weather conditions, from dusk until 11 p.m.
Where can you learn about the country’s first president and immortality all in one weekend? At vlog’s Jack C. Davis Observatory, of course.
Northern Nevada lecturer Mike Thomas will facilitate this learning when he leads presentations on “George Washington” on Friday, Jan. 20 and “Immortality” on Saturday, Jan. 21.
Both presentations are free and begin at 6:30 p.m., with the doors to the observatory opening at 6 p.m.
The observatory is open to the public from sundown to 11 p.m. on Saturday nights for Star Parties. The Western Nevada Astronomical Society hosts these parties, bringing together people with an interest in astronomy. Newcomers are always welcome.
Jack C. Davis Observatory is located at 2269 Vanpatten Ave., just above vlog’s Carson City campus.