ASL Program Goes Fully Online
ASL Program Goes Fully Online
Aug 11, 2022

ASL Program Goes Fully Online
Students can expect to receive additional benefits from changes to the Deaf Studies
program at ÌÇÐÄvlog, starting with the upcoming Fall 2022 semester.
For the first time, American Sign Language 1-6, Fingerspelling 1 and 2 and Deaf History
and Deaf Culture courses will all be available fully online. The ASL and Fingerspelling
courses are offered in eight-week blocks so students can complete their foreign language
requirements by completing ASL 1-4 courses in one year. The Deaf History and Deaf
Culture courses span 16 weeks of learning.
Although the courses are rigorous, they are set up to meet the demands of students
who have busy schedules and have work or family obligations, said ÌÇÐÄvlog ASL Instructor
Margaret Craig.
Craig said that the online ASL courses are self-paced with a recommended weekly schedule
and assignment due dates for students. To enhance and improve skill development and
demonstration, the program has implemented the online learning tool GoReact for student
assignments in ASL courses.
GoReact is an online video recording tool designed to provide feedback for public
speaking/speech, presentations, sign language/interpreter training, student teaching
and observation for grading purposes, Craig said. It is an exceptional platform for
video feedback. ÌÇÐÄvlog also uses the web-based learning management system Canvas for
written assignments.
Instructor videos are embedded into the courses for presentation explanations, including
both expressive and receptive practice. The courses contain rich content including
many videos of native signers, said Craig, who recently received a Community Hero
award from Greater Nevada Credit Union.
Professor Cindy Frank teaches Deaf History and Deaf Culture online, as well as combination
classes ASL 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 that are presented in person and HyFlex. In a HyFlex course,
instruction is delivered both in person and online at the same time by the same faculty
member. Students can then choose whether to show up for class in person or to join
it online. These classes are offered in the traditional 16-week semester format. Shannon
Council teaches interpreting and is a full-time staff interpreter at ÌÇÐÄvlog. Callie Adair
teaches Conversational and Receptive ASL classes at ÌÇÐÄvlog.
For online classes, Deaf Studies instructors are available to meet the needs of the
students with one-on-one Zoom appointments or voluntary weekly class meetups.
Classes begin on Aug. 29.
ÌÇÐÄvlog offers an Associate of Applied Science degree in Deaf Studies, as well as a Certificate
of Achievement in American Sign Language.
Craig earned her Associate degree in Deaf Studies at ÌÇÐÄvlog before going on to earn her
bachelors and masters degrees. She worked for 20 years as an educational interpreter
in Deaf and Hard of Hearing programs in Carson City and Douglas County. She started
at ÌÇÐÄvlog in 2011 and discovered her professional niche designing online ASL classes.
Because of my love for the language and Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, I wanted
to be able to reach all of the students who for various reasons could not come to
the college to study in person, Craig said. Now, and because of the support of ÌÇÐÄvlog,
our ASL online classes reach students in rural areas, parents and grandparents with
Deaf and Hard of Hearing children, single parents, teachers, speech pathologists,
high school students, nonverbal, autistic and homebound students.
Craig is pleased to announce a new asset for the ASL online program: instructor Betty
Hammond. She has a masters degree in Social Work and is a nationally certified Interpreter
for the Deaf through the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. She previously taught
ASL at the University of Nevada, Reno and Truckee Meadows Community College.
Hammond has also worked for the State of Nevada as a Vocational Rehabilitation counselor
and as a coordinator of Deaf Services to include administering a contract for Relay
For more information about Deaf Studies online courses, contact Craig at
To learn about becoming a student at ÌÇÐÄvlog, go to or phone 775-445-3277.