JCDO to Host Thomas Talks on Titanic NASA
JCDO to Host Thomas Talks on Titanic NASA
Oct 5, 2021

JCDO to Host Thomas Talks on Titanic, NASA
What an informative weekend Mike Thomas has planned for attendees on Oct. 15 and 16
at ÌÇÐÄvlogs Jack C. Davis Observatory!
First, on Friday night, the Northern Nevada lecturer will talk about The Titanic.
You know, that unsinkable ship that somehow sunk five days after sideswiping an iceberg
in the Atlantic Ocean on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England in 1912.
Prior to the Star Party on Saturday night, Thomas will provide a presentation on NASA:
The Early Years. This slide-show presentation by Thomas covers theexciting years of
our countrys first manned space flights.The lecture focus is on the Mercury Seven
In the past, Thomas has covered a wide variety of history topics such as Pearl Harbor,
Atlantis and Joan of Arc, as well as science talks such as UFOs, the Milky Way and
Leonardo da Vinci, and many more.
Thomas lectures are free to the public and begin at 7:30 p.m.; doors to the observatory
open at 7 p.m. Note that all attendees are required to wear a face covering inside
the observatory in accordance with Center of Disease Control, Nevada State and Nevada
System of Higher Education guidelines.
On Saturday nights, JCDO is open to the public from sundown to 11 p.m. for Star Parties.
The Western Nevada Astronomical Societyhoststheseparties, bringing together people
with an interest in astronomy. Newcomers are welcome.
The observatory is located at 2699VanpattenDrive in Carson City.