Purchase Note Cards Created from Student Artwork
Purchase Note Cards Created from Student Artwork
Dec 13, 2021

Purchase Note Cards Created from Student Artwork
Students helping other students. Thats what a handful of art students at Western Nevada
College are doing with their artwork this fall.
Fiona McDonald, Danielle Nichols, Nicole Klein, Syeda Khadija and Candy Peck have
graciously allowed ÌÇÐÄvlog Foundation to use their art to adorn note cards that are being
sold to support students at the college.
Having my artwork selected meant a lot to me, Nichols said. Its probably one of my
first pieces to be selected for something like this since high school. Being able
to still make time to share my passion and being recognized for it, its very meaningful
for me. It can really help me through my struggles working full time while going to
school when I think about being recognized.
ÌÇÐÄvlog Foundation has transformed imaging from these students paintings, drawings and
pottery for note cards that are now available for purchase. The note cards are available
in a 10-card pack for $10.
We are so grateful to these very talented students for their amazing contributions
to this project, said ÌÇÐÄvlog Foundation Executive Director Niki Gladys.
Nichols said she was challenged by drawing with white charcoal on black paper but
enjoyed the process.
The idea for the piece took a little time, said Nichols, noting she purchased a candle
holder to represent the star and used the top of the perfume bottle to create the
I tried other objects, but I wanted to get something artsy and cool looking but also
have some of my favorite things in my room in the drawing, she said.
Purchase the note cards through the Foundation Shop at wnc.edu/foundation/foundation-shop/.
ÌÇÐÄvlog-themed jackets, vests, beanies, T-shirts, wine glasses, coffee cups, etc. can
also be purchased through the online store.
If youd like to make a separate donation to ÌÇÐÄvlog, contact the Foundation at foundation@wnc.edu
or 775-445-3240.