Star Parties Resume at Jack C. Davis Observatory
Star Parties Resume at Jack C. Davis Observatory
Jul 13, 2021

Star Parties Resume at Jack C. Davis Observatory
Theyre back!
Saturday night Star Parties have resumed at Jack C. Davis Observatory on the Western
Nevada College campus in Carson City.
ÌÇÐÄvlogs Star Parties run from sundown to 11 p.m. Arrive early as seating is limited.
They are led by the Western Nevada Astronomical Society, which brings together people
with an interest in astronomy. Attendees receive guided viewing of the moon, stars
and planets via interior and exterior telescopes. Located on the eastern edge of the
Sierra, JCDO is ideally located and equipped to provide information and viewing that
will inspire more learning about the universe.
The parties are normally preceded by a lecture from JCDO Director Thomas Herring or
Northern Nevada lecturer Mike Thomas. Outside the facility is an informative planetary
walk that visitors can take to or from JCDO.
Generous donations by businesses, individuals and nonprofit organizations led the
creation of Jack C. Davis Observatory in 2003. It is named after the founding president
of ÌÇÐÄvlog, Jack C. Davis.
Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin lectured at the opening of JCDO in May 2003. Aldrin was
the second man to walk on the moon in 1969 and is the last surviving Apollo 11 crew
As a reminder, unvaccinated people should wear a face covering inside the observatory
in accordance with Center of Disease Control, Nevada State and Nevada System of Higher
Education guidelines.
For more information, email Dr. Herring at