Students Encouraged to Complete Needs Survey
Students Encouraged to Complete Needs Survey
Sep 20, 2022

Students Encouraged to Complete Needs Survey
ÌÇÐÄvlog Institutional Research & Effectiveness released a Student Needs Survey on Sept. 21 to better assess students health and well-being at this time.
Students can check their email for this survey. It was dated Sept. 21; reminders to complete the survey will be sent to them on Sept. 26 and 29. There are incentives for students to complete the survey, such as gift cards, gas cards and a free class.
The survey asks students about food and housing insecurity, technology and transportation access, their current employment and economic situation, and how they have been impacted by the pandemic.
Last fall, 49 percent of respondents reported experiencing food insecurity within the last month and/or housing insecurity within the last year.
The Students Needs Survey should take 15 to 20 minutes to complete, and after finishing it, they will have the opportunity to enter a drawing for a free 3-credit ÌÇÐÄvlog class, a $500 Chevron gas card, a $250 Walmart gift card, a $150 Amazon gift card and a $100 SaveMart gift card.
Data from this survey can help ÌÇÐÄvlog better support its students through Wildcat Reserve the campus food pantry and other grant opportunities.