Submit to Native American Art Showcase by Oct. 5
Submit to Native American Art Showcase by Oct. 5
Sep 20, 2022

Submit to Native American Art Showcase by Oct. 5
Share your artwork representing the Great Basin Region, giving others the opportunity
to enjoy the result of your creative inspiration.
ÌÇÐÄvlog is inviting artists to participate in The Native American Showcase
of Great Basin Artistry this fall. All Indigenous students, staff and alumni of ÌÇÐÄvlog
are welcome to contribute to the show, which focuses on representation of the areas
lineage or cultural ties to the land. Accepted artwork includes (but isnt limited
to) basketry, beadwork, drum, sculpture, painting, carving, family photos and hunting,
gathering, fishing all symbolic of the Great Basin Region.
Since ÌÇÐÄvlog Carson and Douglas campus reside within Washoe ancestral territory, we are
honored to have the support of Washoe Tribes Cultural Resource Department, said Sylvia
Rondeaux, who is helping facilitate the showing of the exhibit along with Lorraine
Plympton. Special thanks go to Herman Fillmore, who generously lent us some beautiful
items for our display.
The Native American Showcase of Great Basin Artistry is the third annual Indigenous
art show for ÌÇÐÄvlog, marking the colleges continuation of awareness of the original peoples.
The first art display was launched in recognition of National Native American Heritage
Month in 2020. It was in honor and respect to the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California.
The second exhibit was The Many Faces of Native America. It showcased student, faculty
and staff art who represented a variety of Indigenous Nations.
We were blessed to receive a large display from UNR Professor Merton Running Wolf;
his unique pieces were the highlight of the exhibit, Rondeaux said.
For the upcoming exhibit, as many as three pieces may be submitted per participant.
Deliver submissions to Room 113A of the ÌÇÐÄvlogs Reynolds Building on the Carson City
campus. Submissions will be accepted from now until 5 p.m. on Oct. 5.
The show runs from Oct. 10 through Dec. 31 in the Bristlecone Atrium Gallery. A reception
for artists is planned for Monday, Oct. 10 from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the gallery.
Artists are required to complete two duplicate entry forms for each artwork. Adhere
both forms to the back of each art piece, and artwork should be ready to hang or wont
be accepted. Forms are located in Reynolds Building Room 113A.
For this exhibit, artists can submit a variety of mediums, including drawing, painting,
printmaking, digital media, photography, graphic art, ceramics, sculpture, book art,
mixed media, song and bead work.
Artists are welcome to price and sell their artwork during the show. For artists who
dont wish to sell their work, they are asked to designate NFS (not for sale) on their
submission form. Artwork will be returned to contributors on Jan. 3 and 4 in the Bristlecone
Atrium Gallery.
For more information, contact Sylvia Rondeaux at or Lorraine
Plympton at
We are excited to receive your submissions, Plympton and Rondeaux said.