
Chamber Leadership Institute Visits ÌÇÐÄvlog

Apr 12, 2024

The Carson City Chamber's Leadership Institute toured ÌÇÐÄvlog's campus on April 11, focusing their visit on the college's Workforce, Career and Technical Education programs.

The Carson City Chamber's Leadership Institute toured ÌÇÐÄvlog's campus on April 11, focusing their visit on the college's Workforce, Career and Technical Education programs.

Chamber leadership institute visit2Carson City Chamber Leadership Institute (CCCLI), now in its 35th year, visited Western Nevada College on April 11.

The group toured Western’s Workforce, Career and Technical Education programs, with ÌÇÐÄvlog President Dr. J. Kyle Dalpe, WCTE Director Travis Carr and various instructors providing information about the college and our programs.

The leadership institute, which includes ÌÇÐÄvlog’s Academic Advising and Access Director Lauren Stevens and Construction Project Management Instructor Nigel Harrison, learned more about construction, computer information technology, manufacturing, machine tool technology, welding and automotive programs from instructors in those areas.

The tour wound up with hands-on construction (building a bird house), manufacturing and automotive projects.

chamber leadership institute visit