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Course Descriptions

American Sign Language

Course # Course Title Credits
AM140 American Sign Language I & II 6 Credits

Introduces ASL and focuses on the development of basic conversational skills, emphasizing receptive abilities.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM141 American Sign Language III & IV 6 Credits

Prerequisites: AM 140 or AM 145 / AM 146 American Sign Language III promotes the shift from comprehension to production of ASL to bring the students current ASL fluency to a point of self-generated ASL. American Sign Language IV encourages the student to expand his or her command of discourse in ASL on various everyday topics.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM145 American Sign Language I 4 Credits

Introduces ASL and focuses on the development of basic conversational skills, emphasizing receptive abilities.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM146 American Sign Language II 4 Credits

Prerequisites: AM145 Continues to stress the development of basic conversational skills with emphasis on expanding vocabulary and expressive skills.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM147 American Sign Language III 4 Credits

Prerequisites: AM146 Promotes the shifting from comprehension to production of ASL to bring one's current ASL fluency to a point of self generated ASL.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM148 American Sign Language IV 4 Credits

Prerequisites: AM147 Encourages the student to expand his or her command of discourse in ASL on various everyday topics.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM149 American Sign Language V 4 Credits

Prerequisites: AM148 Emphasizes conversational fluency in American Sign Language. Identification of discourse styles in ASL, which will lead to the ability to initial, maintain and conclude conversational interactions with various deaf language styles and/or preference.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM150 American Sign Language VI 4 Credits

Prerequisites: AM149 Final course in the American Sign Language series, covering a culmination of all signs, pragmatics, grammar and fingerspelling skills acquired throughout the series. Emphasis is on utilizing all ASL skills simultaneously and fluently.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM151 Fingerspelling I 1 Credits

Develops basic skills in receptive and expressive fingerspelling.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM152 Fingerspelling II 1 Credits

Prerequisites: AM151 or current enrollment in AM 151 Improves receptive and expressive fingerspelling skills to intermediate/advanced levels.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM201 Interpreting I 3 Credits

Prerequisites: AM146 Exposes students to the profession of sign language interpretation, providing them with an opportunity to determine their interest in the field.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM202 Interpreting II 3 Credits

Prerequisites: AM201 Develops the student's receptive and expressive skills in interpreting. Includes a series of activities leading from consecutive interpretation to simultaneous interpretation skills.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM203 Interpreting Sign Language III 3 Credits

Prerequisites: AM202 Develops the student's receptive and expressive skills in interpreting for deaf individuals. Follows a sequenced series of consecutive interpretation to simultaneous interpretation skills.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM208 Observation/Practicum in Interpreting 3 Credits

Prerequisite: Instructor Approval Provides opportunities to shadow, observe, and interact with professional interpreters in a supervised observation/practicum setting.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM215 Conversational ASL 4 Credits

Prerequisites: AM147 Focuses on the natural use of American Sign Language. Appropriate use of ASL grammar and vocabulary in conversational situations is stressed. Students master appropriate pragmatics, use of facial expressions, space, fingerspelling and classifiers, simultaneously for conversational fluency.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM216 Receptive ASL 4 Credits

Prerequisites: AM147 Provides opportunities for students to develop receptive skills with a wide variety of signers. Receptive language of children, teens, adults with various socio-economic levels, and senior signers will be developed. Acquisition and comprehension of regional signs, "slang" signs, and generational signs will also be emphasized.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM217 Language and Literacy for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children 3 Credits

Teaches the process of language acquisition and literacy development for children who are deaf or have a hearing loss. Includes comparison to the natural acquisition of language for all children and adults. Includes clinical, cultural, historical and audiological descriptions of deafness; the unique linguistic aspects of language and literacy acquisition and most importantly, practical application and activities that can be utilized with deaf/hard of hearing children. Geared to all persons wishing to learn about language and literacy acquisition, but especially geared to parents, educational interpreters, speech and language pathologists, audiologist, and teacher of dear and hard of hearing children.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM253 Deaf Culture 3 Credits

Prerequisites: AM145 Offers a study of people who are deafened. Includes clinical and audiological descriptions of deafness and its course.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM254 Deaf History 3 Credits

Examines segments of the history of deaf people and the deaf community, as well as the deaf experience from a historical perspective.

Course # Course Title Credits
AM299 Special Topics in Sign Language .5-3 Credits

Includes short courses and experimental classes covering a variety of subjects. May be repeated for up to six credits.